Kelly Ann Ifill - Founder of Guava

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Kelly Ifill started her career in education on the founding team of a public high school in central Brooklyn, NYC. After leading math departments in Brooklyn, Brazil, and Dubai she sought her MBA at Columbia Business School to pivot to EdTech investing. She has worked with Rethink Education Ventures, GE Ventures, and most recently, Company Ventures. Prior to launching Guava, Kelly also co-founded Seneca Network, a nonprofit organization to support Black and Latinx founders at the friends and family stage.

Raised in an immigrant family of small business owners, Black-owned small businesses have always been part of her grounding.

About Guava:

Guava is a full-service digital bank and community, providing equitable financial products for Black-owned small businesses.

Favorite motto or quote that keeps you inspired?

Our crown has already been bought and paid for, all we have to do is wear it. - James Baldwin

Favorite business/leadership podcast?

How I Built This from NPR

How do you hope that your company can create a better world?

Guava is designed to meet the needs of Black small business owners who have often been systematically under-served by our existing financial institutions. We are working to create truly equitable financial products to tackle the racial wealth gap head on by facilitating the development, growth and resilience of our small businesses, the backbone of our communities.

In your personal life, what is one daily practice or habit you have to keep you centered and grounded?

I workout every day and that really helps me stay grounded. Having an hour just focused on my body really helps me clear my head for the day.

Who or what was the biggest motivator for you when you started your business?

I have always been passionate about creating opportunity and access for Black communities first in my work as an educator in NYC public schools and now with Guava.

What is one piece of advice you would give to early-stage founders?

No one knows what they're doing so make the best decision with the information you have.

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Your favorite other women-led businesses we should know about?

The Lip Bar!! Amazing products, story and founder! Love love love!

Favorite business tools that your company uses?

Slack, Notion

Do the scary thing! It’s usually not as scary as we think.
— Kelly Ifill

What are your top three goals for your company this year? AND! How can the LWL Community support you in accomplishing them?

We're launching later this year so that is the biggest goal for us! Would love to have the LWL community support by signing up for early access to a business bank account with us at


Connect with Kelly & Guava!





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