Jamie Mittelman - Founder of Flame Bearers Podcast
Jamie Mittelman (she/her/hers) is the founder and host of Flame Bearers Podcast, a podcast that celebrates the journeys of Tokyo’s unsung women Olympians & Paralympics and provides action-oriented analysis of the issues closest to their hearts. Flame Bearers spotlight some of our world’s greatest master of resiliency & arms listeners with tips + calls to action for how we can all better stand together.
From equal-pay to disability policy and the refugee experience, Jamie dives in far past the sports of these world-class athletes from all around the globe to get to the things that matter the most to them.
Jamie says, “I wanted to create something that addresses what we all need most right now: hope and the belief that we are not alone. Our world is locked in a period of unprecedented change and isolation; we’re all coping with ambiguity and fear. Our world’s top athletes, particularly women athletes, have overcome physical, mental, emotional, and societal obstacles. There are a lot of ideas that drive more revenue or leverage more innovative technology, but our idea gets to the root of what human beings need right now—and have needed for most of 2020— hope.”
More about Jamie:
Jamie is a graduate student at the Harvard Kennedy School (HKS). With the support of the Harvard University Innovation Lab and the HKS Women and Public Policy Program, Jamie launched Flame Bearers.
In addition to her podcast, Jamie co-chairs the HKS gender conference, has been selected for From Harvard Square to the Oval Office, a Kennedy School political training program that helps women ascend in electoral offices around the globe and was nominated by Harvard faculty to represent her cohort on the University-wide Title IX & Gender Equity Education Student Advisory Committee.
Favorite motto or quote that keeps you inspired?
“Habits of thinking need not be forever. One of the most significant findings in psychology in the last twenty years is that individuals can choose the way they think.” -Martin Seligman
Book(s) that inspire you/your company?
White Feminism: From the Suffragettes to Influencers and Who They Leave Behind by Koa Beck
The Condemnation of Blackness by Khalil Gibran Mohammad
Talking To Strangers by Malcolm Gladwell
Love Your Enemies by Arthur Brooks
Is there any other content, music, anything that is inspiring you right now?
Music that inspires me right now:
Other content that inspires me right now:
-Just Women's Sports (podcast)
Favorite business/leadership podcast?
How do you hope that your company can create a better world?
1. We elevate incredibly diverse women’s stories from around the world. According to the Women’s Sports Foundation’s 2020 Chasing Equity report, in the US just 3.2% of sports media coverage is devoted to women’s sports. That number is even lower globally. A lack of representation makes it near impossible for younger girls to see their future selves in someone who doesn’t ‘exist’ today. We amplify the voices of women from all backgrounds and experiences -- and in doing so are humanizing and changing perceptions of women everywhere. We support athletes from all continents except Antarctica, and individuals of all sexual identities, races, religions, ableisms, income-levels, and languages.
2. We provide clear socially-oriented calls to action. Every featured athlete has the opportunity to include a concrete call to action for how listeners can support a cause about which they are passionate.
3. We address what we all need most right now: hope and the belief that we are not alone. Our world is locked in a period of unprecedented change and isolation; we’re all coping with ambiguity and fear. Our world’s top athletes, and in particular, women athletes have overcome physical, mental, emotional and societal obstacle after obstacle. They show us that we are not alone in our struggles.
In your personal life, what is one daily practice or habit you have to keep you centered and grounded?
I have two things that I do every day that keep me grounded
1. I start every day with a meditation practice that can take various forms: it can be a yoga class, a seated meditation, or simply lighting a candle, but at the start of every day I like to pause to acknowledge the start of a new day and to check in with myself (how I'm feeling physically, emotionally, etc.). When my mind begins to start to jump to the tasks of the day, I bring it back to my breath until my practice is over.
2. I speak with my Mom at least once a day, and usually multiple times a day. My Mom is my hero and she centers me whenever I feel off-kilter. Since losing my Dad five years ago to incurable brain cancer, my Mom has overcome obstacle after obstacle including a Type A Aortic Dissection (she had 7% chance of survival), and cancer to just name two of the most recent hurdles. She is the most resilient person I know, so when I speak with her I automatically feel safe and at home.
Who or what was the biggest motivator for you when you started your business?
As challenging as COVID-19 has been (physically, emotionally, monetarily, etc.), the pandemic set the stage for me to launch this venture in two different ways:
1. The global pandemic pushed me to pivot and do something I wouldn't have had the guts to do otherwise. Launching my own podcast was not the plan, but rather my COVID-adaption. Last year, I spent six months networking my way to the International Olympic Committee (IOC) in the hopes of pitching and landing my dream summer internship: a creative communications position on the ground in Tokyo supporting the IOC’s elevating women in sports efforts. To be clear, no such role existed, but I thought it should and that I was the person for the job given my experiences in digital marketing and passion for women’s sports. When COVID-19 hit and the Olympic and Paralympic Games were officially postponed, the idea of a podcast came to mind because of the minimal risk of COVID.
2. COVID-19 has given me the opportunity to realize that not only am I not alone in my grief and pain but that I have developed coping mechanisms that I can share with others. The last five years have been really challenging for my family. We lost my dad, almost lost my mom, and have struggled to re-balance on four legs instead of five. I didn't realize just how deeply this had darkened my world until COVID hit, and I began to see others struggling with pain and isolation. It suddenly felt like the grief that had stalked me was suddenly normalized.
What is one piece of advice you would give to early-stage founders?
Build a team that will have your back, challenge your ideas, and hype you up when you are down. Being a founder can be extremely lonely, so it's important to build your own Board of Directors who will guide you along the way.
Your favorite other women-led businesses we should know about?
Favorite business tools that your company uses?
“Watch Amy Cuddy’s TED Talk and then do the superwoman pose before your next big call or meeting.”
What has been the biggest highlight of running your own company?
I love hearing how my work matters and that it's actually helping people. As featured World Champion Para-Badminton star, Manasi Joshi wrote, “I heard your podcast of other athletes and I was so impressed. The topics that top athletes spoke on made me understand that I am not alone. This podcast helped me understand the power of sports, how it impacts lives, and the importance of sharing our stories with a wider audience. There are so many people going through similar experiences and when they are able to relate, they feel they are not alone.”
What are your top three goals for your company this year? AND! How can the LWL Community support you in accomplishing them?
1. I want to be on the ground in Tokyo to cover the Olympics and Paralympics (given that international tourists are not allowed due to COVID-19, I will likely need to attend with a media credential. The LWL Community can support me in this goal by sharing potential partners who would enable me to attend on their behalf to produce content for them
2. Tune into the current season, write a positive review and engage with us via social media
3. Launch season 2 (2022 Beijing Games) -- no support needed for the moment, but would love your support when this goes live!