About Jennifer


Launched in the world:

Born in Boston, MA. 

Raised in Wayland, MA and Eglington, Prince Edward Island, Canada.

Launched in the workforce:

An overnight summer camp counselor (aka canoeing instructor!), a Development (aka fundraising) Intern in West Africa, and later a Development Associate at a non-profit provider of transitional housing to families that are homeless in NYC. 

Failure to launch:

After my experience in Senegal, I was committed to working for an international human rights NGO abroad. I applied to the Luce Scholars Program, a one-year fellowship to live and work in a South/Southeast Asian country. I was elated to make the final round and devastated to not be accepted.

If I could give my younger self advice, I would have told her to believe in herself! 

More successful launches:

Grads of Life, the first-ever national public service announcement that focused on driving employer demand for diverse and inclusive talent strategies.

Huge fan of these lovely ladies:

My mom, Diana Warren

My high school guidance counselor, Norma Greenberg

My soul sister and fierce small business-owner, Leigh Landreth

My Canadian mum and nurse extraordinaire, Deb Roberts

Madeleine Albright, Michelle Obama, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Samantha Power

 And so many more...

Future launches:

Scaling Ladies Who Launch. Becoming fluent in French (again). Playing in a USGA golf event (someday).