Ladies Who Launch | Resources for Women-Owned Businesses

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Brand Workshop: 10X GROWTH with GrowthBoss

In this jam-packed workshop, GrowthBoss took us through ideation, creation, and growth. Learn how to find product-market fit before you spend too much time and money on launching a business that just, unfortunately, might not work. GrowthBoss shared their inspiring experiences with failing fast, failing forward and what it takes to scale it in this current climate.

Key Takeaways

  • In starting a business, more than not, you will come to a point where you are at a standstill - when this happens, go back to the problem, refine what the problem is and figure out a better way to solve that problem.

    • From here really looking into product market fit is important.

    • Once you feel confident that you have product market fit, ask yourself, how do you grow it, scale it, market it from there?

  • How do you build your irresistible, contagious offer?

    • Your product offer is so much more than what you sell. It’s sales funnel, social media, brand identity, etc. It’s about the whole experience that you wrap around the product.

  • Know your customers point A and point B: Where are they now and where do they want to be.

    • Point A: what are their symptoms - how do they feel?

    • Point B: What are they saying, thinking, and doing at point B. How is their quality of life better at point B?

    • This is where your marketing messages come from.